
Hi I'm Isabelle. I am 9 years old and I am in Year 5 at Hutt Central School. I like playing cricket, netball and touch rugby, baking, and reading books. I like the Ugenia Lavender books by Geri Halliwell and How I survived Middle School by Nancy Krulik.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Auckland Zoo

On Sunday the 10th of June my Mum and Bump took me and my brother Ashton to Auckland Zoo.

My favourite animals were the giraffes, flamingos and the little, cute golden lion tamerin.

We saw an elephant called Burma. She looked like she was a trained elephant. She could push logs over with her trunk that were over her weight. Her trunk is very sensitive and she has a little finger at the end of it and that little finger can pick up a skinny little blade of grass!

I bought a dreamy eye elephant soft toy and a tiger spinning top with my own money. Bump bought me a t shirt with a kiwi standing on the letters NZ.

I had a sausage roll and a little paper bag of chicken nuggets and a juice box.

I had a whole trunk full of fun!

Bye bye!

Monday 19 March 2012

The Taylor Swift big night out!

On Friday afternoon I went to Auckland.  We flew Air New Zealand and on the plane I got lollies, All Black plane lollies!

We stayed with Caron, Zoe, Simon and Zoe's brother Max.  For dinner we had hot dogs and for pudding... 
Banana cake with green icing! Why was it green? Because it was Saint Patrick's Day tomorrow!

Aunty Jac read Fern the Green Fairy to us.  She reads quite well.

When we woke up I read some other fairy books.  Then we had breakfast, got dressed and went to swimming with Zoe.  I didn't do swimming lessons but Zoe did and we watched.  Zoe is a very good swimmer!

After Zoe's lesson, we went to the fun pool and had a swim in there.  I got new pink goggles.  It was fun.
Me and Zoe wore twin togs!  

After swimming we went to Mission Bay to have lunch.  Zoe and I got matching headbands but different colours.  My one is pink and Zoe's is red. They both have strawberries.  
We had a play at the playground before we had lunch.
For lunch I had scrambled eggs on toast and a mini can of sprite.  

We said goodbye to Caron, Zoe and Max and Aunty Jac, Mummy and I drove to our hotel.  It was called The Rendezvous.  It was pink and we were in Room 609 right next to the lift!  We went to Queen Street and I got a little hand bag that goes over your shoulder as well as your head.  It has flowers on it.  I got golden nail polish for going out to see Taylor Swift that night!

I got a sausage roll and ate it at the hotel while we had a wee rest.  Then we got ready!  I put on my pink tights, my new black and white striped dress and my pink spotty shoes.  Mum painted my nails and Aunty Jac did my hair.  She gave me some sparkly lip gloss.

We caught a taxi to a bar.  We met Caron and her sister Joanna.  The bar was  quite different to a normal bar because it had floating upside down lamps hanging off the roof.  I sat next to a lamp and I got to switch it on and off when ever I wanted to!

I had a half lemonade and half apple juice.  It tasted yummy.  I also had two and a half chips. They were quite big!  

Then we headed off to the Taylor Swift concert!

When we got there nearly every teenage girl was screaming!  It was very noisy for a little time but when Taylor came out only a couple of girls were screaming.  People were singing as well.

My favourite song is Mean, and I liked it when the glitter came out of the top of the stage.  It looked like broken bits of gold diamonds.  She sang lots and lots of songs.  Taylor Swift sat under quite a big tree that moved around so that everyone could see her.

I had to go to the toilet, and I made it back just in time to see the fire works.  At first, I got a very very big fright!  But they looked very cool.

She had a balcony that floated around the screaming crowd.  She waved to me and I waved back.  

It was my magicalist night I have had this year!

We had to walk home.  We saw the sky tower and it was green because it was Saint Patrick's Day!  We walked past lots of people and a man who was dressed up like a gorilla!  He gave me a bit of a fright!

Back at the hotel I got changed and just fell on the bed!  I had a lie down and a chocolate biscuit before I fell asleep.

In the morning, I had another chocolate biscuit and a big bubble bath.  Then we went to a cafe for breakfast but we didn't really have breakfast.  I had a toasted sandwich with ham and cheese and an apple juice.  

Then we went up the sky tower and saw a jumper jumping off the sky tower.  It looked like the person who was doing it was a bit freaked out.

We went back to the airport.  I had a strawberry milkshake and some nuggets from McDonald's.  Then our bags went through security with us, but we didn't go on a tray!  We walked through an xray machine.  

The plane ride was a bit slow.  When we were starting to come down I got a very sore ear.  It was a bit bumpy and my ear didn't stop hurting until we got back to our house.  Well it was a bit sore but not as much as on the plane and at the airport.  

Nanny and Grandad picked us up from the airport and we got donuts from Donut King to take home for my brother Ashton and Dad.  

It was the coolest weekend this year!

Monday 12 March 2012

Friday 9 March 2012

Zucchini Fun!

I've got a zucchini!

It's growing in a planter box on my deck.

 My very first zuchinni has just appeared today, can you see it in my photo?

Monday 5 March 2012

The frog joke

Image: Salvatore Vuono /

What did the frog order at the fast food restaurant?  

French fries and a diet croak!  

photo by  Salvatore Vuono

Friday 2 March 2012

Look what my Aunty Jac sent me!

What shall I call my cat?

I have started this blog and I have got a cat.  But I don't know what to call it!

Do you have any ideas?

Leave a comment at the bottom of my blog and give me some cat names you can think of.  You can see my cat  when you are scrolling down.  It's on the right hand side.  When you move your mouse around the cat, she will follow it with her head.  When you put your mouse on her chest she starts to purr!

The cricket afternoon

 I am fielding
On Friday afternoon I went to Te Whiti Park to play in the Hutt Central School girls cricket team against Dyer Street.

I got a uniform to wear.  A black and grey t-shirt and a Hutt Central School jacket.  I had to wear my cricket track pants and sneakers.  I took my white cricket sun hat, but I didn't need it because it was a bit chilly and the sky was grey with lots of clouds.  It started to spit right at the end but there was just one more ball to go.

I took my school bag, and some snacks.  I had a little chocolate bar for energy, some grapes, two biscuits and a juice box.

I took my cricket bat.  It is size 2 and a Kookaburra.
I went to the match in Miss Mahoney's car with Chandra, Molly and Jordan.  They are in year 5.
I was the only middle schooler, and they cheered me on.  They yelled,
"You can do it Isabelle!"

I enjoyed bowling.  I usually get the ball in a straight line.
At the end of each over the bowler changed ends so that both of the batters got a turn.

Here I am bowling 
When I was batting I couldn't hit the ball because the other team kept getting wides!  But I did get to hit it one time!

Miss Mahoney was the umpire.
Ruth has the ball.
I was the last batter with Chandra.  When the game finished we had 3 cheers for Dyer Street and shook hands.  Then we found out if we won or not but we didn't win.  We lost by only 3 runs!  It was extremely close!

It didn't matter because we had fun.  I love playing cricket.