
Hi I'm Isabelle. I am 9 years old and I am in Year 5 at Hutt Central School. I like playing cricket, netball and touch rugby, baking, and reading books. I like the Ugenia Lavender books by Geri Halliwell and How I survived Middle School by Nancy Krulik.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Auckland Zoo

On Sunday the 10th of June my Mum and Bump took me and my brother Ashton to Auckland Zoo.

My favourite animals were the giraffes, flamingos and the little, cute golden lion tamerin.

We saw an elephant called Burma. She looked like she was a trained elephant. She could push logs over with her trunk that were over her weight. Her trunk is very sensitive and she has a little finger at the end of it and that little finger can pick up a skinny little blade of grass!

I bought a dreamy eye elephant soft toy and a tiger spinning top with my own money. Bump bought me a t shirt with a kiwi standing on the letters NZ.

I had a sausage roll and a little paper bag of chicken nuggets and a juice box.

I had a whole trunk full of fun!

Bye bye!